Saturday, January 10, 2015

______ THIS: January 2015

   Guys, I procrastinate, it’s a flaw of mine and another matter in itself but I figure we’re not too much into the month of January yet and as a college student I’m still on vacation so I decided to compile this list anyway. Though I highly despise the shenanigans of teens now and days (we all know I’m 81…jk) with their “YOLO” and their “Fuck its” and their “I don’t give two shits, hell, I don’t even give one” mottos, I realize that though sometimes I feel invincible and infinite, I’m not. This is not to suggest that we might all think the same way for I know that the fabulous M.I.A has created “YALA” (my lady-gay jam) for those who do in fact believe in reincarnation. However, I felt the need to create a list and on this list is a couple things I’d like you to do (more so what I’d like myself to do) in the month of January. I’m not your mother and I’m not going to make you do these things if you don’t want to or give you a whipping if you don’t, unless you want one (offer stands for gay guys only- just my preference), but I hope you do one thing and who knows, maybe that something could change your life…or give you diarrhea.

Doodle by Sophia

DO THIS with Friends/Siblings/Cousins or whoever

1.      Go to Walmart or any store and take Selfies with strangers

 It’s pretty self-explanatory and awkward and so much fun. 

2.      Have a Sleepover and Prank call the shit out of people you love, hate, envy or don’t even
          know  using foreign accents and crazy scenarios.

 Sleepover’s will NEVER get old and as far as I’m concerned prank calling is the best stress reliever with all the laughing you’ll be doing from your besties horrible british granny impersonation.

 3.      Make a Music Video

 Jam out and lip sync to your favorite Jam. This one takes time and effort but it is SOOO fun! Blast your favorite tune and rock it girlfriend/boyfriend/people who do not identify with gender.

DO THIS with a significant other (Not applicable to all, I know. *channeling my inner cat lady*) For those of you who are single, find a friend to do this with or a crush ;)

1.      Channel your 500 days of Summer and play the Penis game, anywhere.

Say penis and gradually raise your voice until you look like a lunatic. It’s fun and romantic in its own way. It’s a way of getting embarrassed in front of each other and laughing at one another for being total idiots.

 2. Watch a Romantic Flick and choose one thing to do that imitates that one romantic gesture
     you just can’t get enough of (I suggest not to do this with a friend unless it’s a crush or friend with      benefits that you're developing some feels for)

Be cute and have fun with it. I recommend any movie that is a Nicholas Sparks adaptation (A Walk to Remember!) It’s a way of showing affection and being THAT couple because let’s face it, relationships are hard but they can also be fun if you work towards that.

 3.      Fart in front of each other (if you’re at that level)

There is nothing more uncomfortable than cutting the cheese on accident when you tried so hard not to and then the whole situation just turns awkward. Sooooo do yourself a favor and rip one on purpose. Don’t be afraid of being vulnerable, especially with someone who might just laugh it off and rip one right afterwards.

DO THIS for you

1.      Dance by yourself in your room

 Self-explanatory but trust me, this is probably one of the best cures for anger, stress, sadness and for the days when you’re feeling all of the above. Blast your music or put in your headphones and just move the way your body wants too. (I suggest dancing to “Dancing on my own” as Hanna did in GIRLS or anything Taylor Swift or Kanye West if your pissed the fuck off.)

2.      Go to the Movies or to the Theatre, yes by yo self gurl.

Let’s face it, you don’t neeeed someone to go watch a movie with, you WANT someone to watch a movie with. Let me tell you that going to a matinee movie or play like an old lady is probably one of the greatest experiences I’ve had… ever. Be like Nike and JUST. DO. IT.

3.      Bust out your favorite CD and go for a ride

 Listen to your favorite CD in all its entirety as the way the artist intended and like Lana Del Rey says “Just Ride.”

DO THIS workout


1.      IT by Alexa Chung

2.      YES, PLEASE by Amy Pohler

3.      ELENOR AND PARK by Rainbow Rowell


1.      In the mirror- “I’m pretty and young and I’ll be damned if someone tries to get in my way”

2.      To a crush- “I just have to get this off my chest, I like you and I’m gonna be okay if you don’t like me back but I figured I’d just should tell you.” You’ll be surprised.

3.      To your parents, grandparents, sisters, brothers, whoever you feel you need to say this to- “You are a big part of my life and I love you, thank you.”


1.      Taylor Swift, 1989 (Deluxe)- Forever on repeat (NEW ROMANTICS IS LIKE LIFE)

2.      Ride by Lana Del Rey

3.      Both Sides Now by Joni Mitchell

4.      Baddygirl by M.I.A. (Party Squad Flawless Remix)


1.      The September Issue ( a documentary directed by R.J. Cutler that digs into the fashion world at vogue during the creation of 2008’s September issue)

2.      GIRLS returning to HBO on Jan. 11th

3.      The 7th and final season of Parks and Recreations (such a travesty) returning to NBC on Jan. 13th

4.      ALL THE AWARD SHOWS, especially The Golden Globes, Tina + Amy= Abs from laughing so hard and Lena Dunham.




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