Our Rad Contribution Guidelines

Hey Kaleidehscope Fans! Interested in writing, photography, fashion, art, or maybe passionate about something that we can't even begin to categorize? Now is your chance to make your voice be heard! 

Every month our blog might feature up to twenty contributors! Here’s how you can be featured...

 ❤️  Contribution deadlines are on the 25th of any given month. This requirement gives us enough time to work with you to ensure your work is being represented in the best way possible. (That is if your submission is chosen.) If chosen, your work would be posted the month after your initial submission. Example: If you turn in your work by January 25th, your work would most likely be featured in one of our February posts.

❤️  Send your work(s) to our e-mail, CompanyOfTheLoud@gmail.com, with your name, city, title and the category that you feel your work would fall under (Click here to see the list of those categories.)

❤️  Make sure that along with your work you send us at least 1 visual that most accurately represents your creation. It doesn't matter if you do your own visual or if you got it from the internet, please tell us who it belongs to so that we can give credit where credit is due. (i.e. If visual is from from the internet, send us the URL!) 

❤️  Do not plagiarize.

 ❤️ Although profanity is allowed, profanity that is used tastefully is more appreciated.

 ❤️  You are more than welcome to talk about obscene topics. However, please do not send us any nudes or pornographic images. 

 ❤️  If you have any other questions, please address them to our email, CompanyOfTheLoud@gmail.com.

Thank-you so much for considering a submission! If your submission is accepted, we will notify you as soon as it is humanly possible. Remember: We want you to follow Cindy Lauper's advice and show your True Colors! 

Happy Contributing,