It is currently raining. I have spend the past hour drilling assumption questions for my upcoming LSAT examination. Or, better said, I more or less wasted an hour because I could not be bothered to make sure I was putting my answers in the correct area.
Anyways, this summer has been a surreal and strange experience for me. In the final days of Spring, I was told that I needed to welcome change into my life in order to be a more complete person. So, I have been trying to improve myself. I tell myself to...Be more willing to try new things! Be less egotistical! Be more humble! Be more positive! Do not overthink silly nonsense! Be more present! Do not beat yourself up! Work harder! Do not be apathetic!
Although this is a well-meaning endeavor, I have had to endure some awkward situations of me leaving my safety net or peer pressure. Which is not necessarily bad but different.
On the other side, I feel like the distinction between the girl I was in my teens and the girl who is currently in her twenties is more apparent. I am less angsty and insecure however, there is more to be done before I am to become a Totally Together Woman. (TTW)
The best way for me to characterize this Summer (2016) is a season where everything is Work in Progress (WIP). Whether it is me bettering myself, or me building the skills to do my best for my LSAT. And, the music that I have been listening to definitely fits into that theme.
Without further ado, I prepared a playlist of songs that I am currently listening to that characterizes my summer. I hope you enjoy!
(Also the artwork's image is open to the public domain. I did this strategically because your homegirl does not want to get sued!)
You can listen to it on Spotify
- Vianey